In these 5 short video clips, Children’s book critic Nicolette Jones visits the Bedtime Stories exhibition at National Trust Mottisfont and discusses what made John Burningham special
‘Edwardo the Horriblest Boy in the Whole Wide World’
Nicolette Jones discusses John Burningham’s book ‘The Magic Bed’
Nicolette Jones describes her meetings with John Burningham
Nicolette Jones talks about John Burningham’s book ‘Avocado Baby’
Nicolette Jones discusses how John Burningham’s sources and influences are all represented in the exhibition
Helen Oxenbury reads ‘Borka’, Lauren Child reads Harvey Slumfenburger’s Christmas… and there will be more
Helen Oxenbury reads Borka – The Adventures of a Goose with No Feathers
Helen Oxenbury and Emily Burningham chat about John Burningham and the times when he emerged as a young illustrator
Emily Burningham reads from John Burninghams autobigraphy
Publishing enquiries: Clare Conville, Conville Walsh
Exhibition and artwork enquiries: Selina Skipwith
Press, marketing, events and other enquiries: Philippa Perry
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